O parafii
Liturgia na dziś
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1212 11 May The first historic note on Bieżanów. The note tells about Radwan – the knight who returns the Bieżanów estates to his sister-in-law. The village, being a property of a noble hitherto, becomes a property of the Cathedral Chapter in Cracow. 1236 The village of Kaim is included to the estates of the Cathedral Chapter. 1422 4 October Establishment of the parish of Bieżanów, consisting of the villages of Bieżanów and Kaim. Erecting of a wooden church. 1636 Reconstruction of the church burnt in a fire. The new stone church was founded by Rev. Jan Fox, archdeacon of the Cracow Cathedral and the secretary to the king Sigismund III. The archdeacon in his will gave for this purpose all his possessions. 1671 3 October Consecration of the church by Mikołaj Oborski, the Auxiliary Bishop of Cracow. 1772 Bieżanów, as the whole territory of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, also known as Austrian Galicia, subdued to the Habsburg Monarchy as a result of the First Partition of Poland. 1809–1815 Bieżanów belongs to the Duchy of Warsaw. 1815 After the Congress of Vienna, Bieżanów goes back to Galicia. 1848 Bieżanów ruled by Karol Humborg, citizen of Biała. 1873 Bieżanów under dominion of Berta Czecz de Lindenwald nata Humborg 1876 5 August Rev. Józef Kufel becomes the parish-priest 1881–1889 Parish-priest, Rev. Józef Kufel enlarges the church: he adds two side-oratories and 1884 Building of a parsonage designed by Karol Knaus. 1889 Parish-priest, Rev. Józef Kufel sets up a Peasant Choir. 1890 Performance of the Choir of Bieżanów in the Musikverein Hall in Vienna. 1892 The orchestra, organized by Paweł Flanek, comes into being. 1913 Rev. Maciej Jacaszek becomes the parish-priest. The parsonage is being renovated. 1914–1918 World War I The bells and precious chalices confiscated by Austrians. In November of 1914 the tower was demolished by Austrians to prevent its serving as the observatory and strategic site to the enemy. The tower was put down 1922 Renovation of the painting of Our Lady and endowing it with a decorative cover. 1933 Priestly ordination of Rev. Julian Groblicki, the later Auxiliary Bishop of Cracow. 1939–1945 World War II German invaders made numerous looting. Rev. M. Jacaszek, the parish-priest 1946 Villains commit a sacrilege, stealing the crown from the painting of Our Lady of Bieżanów.
1951 A young student and priest Franciszek Macharski, the future Cardinal and Metropolitan of Cracow, lives in the parish. 1958 Renovation (crack smoothing) of the miraculous painting of Our Lady of Bieżanów, 1960 Rev. Julian Groblicki – native of Bieżanów – is given Episcopal ordination. 1968 Congregation of the Sisters of St. Felix is brought to work in the parish. The parish is vividly involved in peregrination of the painting of Our Lady 1970 24 October Establishment of a new parish for the villages of Rybitwy and Przewóz, under invocation of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 1971 4 July Cardinal Karol Wojtyła consecrates the chapel at the parish cemetery.
1973 Bieżanów is administratively included into the boundaries of Cracow (district Podgórze). Prelate (Monsignor) Marian Łaczek initiates the endeavour of the church enlargement. The attempts to build a new parish church are undertaken in 1974. 1975 21 April Monsignor Marian Łaczek passes away. After his death, Rev. Antoni Sołtysik – formerly the vicar of the St. Nicolas’ parish in Cracow – becomes the parish-priest of Bieżanów. Cardinal Karol Wojtyła gives him the charge over obtaining the permission to build a new church in Cracow-Bieżanów. 1977 27 November Approval of preliminary plans of the church enlargement.
1979 10 June Pope John Paul II blesses the cornerstone for the new church during a ceremony held on the Błonia Park in Cracow during his first visit to his motherland. 9 September H.E. Cardinal Franciszek Macharski blesses the lot for the church. 1980 8 June The permission to build the church is obtained. The designer of the new church is 23 June Bishop Julian Groblicki (native of Bieżanów) celebrates the Holy Mass for the beginning of construction. Excavations under the footings start. 12 November Cardinal Franciszek Macharski blesses the church ground-plate and celebrates the first Mass there. 1981 November Rev. Adolf Chojnacki becomes a new parish-priest, while Rev. Antoni Sołtysik, 1984 On the initiative of the parish-priest Adolf Chojnacki, a hunger strike against the cruel murder of Rev. Jerzy Popieluszko begins in religion classrooms (by 194 days 370 people from all over Poland were involved). 1986 Rev. Stanisław Lejawka becomes a new parish-priest, while Rev. Adolf Chojnacki is nominated the parish-priest of Juszczyn. Priestly ordination of Rev. Mariusz Flanek. 7 September H.E. Franciszek Macharski sets the cornerstone and blesses the walls of the new church building. 1988 Renovation of the painting of Our Lady. 1989 Rev. Piotr Sadkiewicz and Rev. Karol Szałas are ordained priests. 1990 Rev. Jan Wais becomes the parish-priest, while Rev. Stanisław Lejewka takes his seat in the parish of Krzeszów.
1991 Rev. Bogdan Markiewicz is appointed the parish administrator. With the enormous commitment of the parishioners, works aiming at full use of the new church start. 1992 Rev. Bogdan Markiewicz gets appointed the parish-priest. 1993 The purchase of new electronic organs. Renovation and preservation of the old historic church. Renovation of a building next to the parsonage and setting-up a Catholic Cultural Centre “Eden” there. 1994 Rev. Aleksander Wójtowicz is granted priestly ordination On the 10th anniversary of the martyrdom of Rev. Jerzy Popiełuszko, Mitrate Prelate Stanislaw Małysiak unveils and blesses a commemorative plaque (designed by 1995 4 May Funeral of Bishop Julian Groblicki; his body is buried next to his mother’s on the Bieżanów cemetery. 1997 Onset of a new parsonage. 29 May On the Feast of Corpus Christi the first Mass is celebrated in an emerging housing estate of Złocień 8 November Canon Franciszek Jarosz passes away. He worked in Bieżanów since 1951. 2000 10–11 April Celebration of peregrination of the miraculous painting of Our Lady of Jasna Góra August This month, after 3 years of construction works, the new parsonage gets operational. 2001 November Works on the construction of the altar and interior decorations begin. The architect Bogusław Kulka is the designer while Eng. Edward Osiecki is the contractor of the sculptures in the main altar.
2002 Installation of the altar, pulpit, statues of angels and the statue of Our Lady, donated by Mrs. and Mr. Jolanta and Paweł Włodarczyk. 2003 Making and installation of the tabernacle; the contractor is Mr. Krzysztof Wiatrak. 2004 Installation of the statues of saints and blessed ones; the sculptor is Eng. Jan Funek. 2005 Construction and location of the tower, plastering and painting of the church. 2006 Setting-up of the Chapel of Divine Mercy and its consecration by Bishop Jan Zając. Acquirement of the relic of Saint Faustina Kowalska. 10 September The Grand Pardon Mass is celebrated by Canon Wojciech Wcisło (native of Bieżanów), rejoicing his golden jubilee of priestly ordination. 2007 Putting stucco on the walls of the church (the work of Robert Włosik). Renovation of Stations of the Cross. Putting wooden panelling and polychrome scene "Baptism in the Jordan," whose authors are Anna and Edward Osiecki. Beginning of application for a permission to build a new chapel in the housing estate of Złocień. In the chapel of the Divine Mercy, the reliquary in the shape of the tabernacle, containing the relic of St. Faustina is mounted. 4 June Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz appoints Rev. Grzegorz Łopatka Ph.D., the vicar of this parish, and gives him a charge over setting a new parish as well as of building a new church in the housing estate of Złocień, Cracow. In 2004–2007 the cemetery chapel was renovated, stone paving and the new streetlights were installed. A significant part of the electrical work on the premises of the parish was done by the company run by Mr. Jacek Kostecki. 2008 Putting polychrome scene “Resurrection” 22 May Feast of Corpus Christi – on the site of the future chapel in the housing estate of Złocień, a solemn Holy Mass is held, followed by a procession to the parish church. Illumination of the crosses on the churches.
2009 8 April Approval of the construction project and granting the permission for building the chapel in the housing estate of Złocień. The architects Janusz Wieczorek M.Eng. and Barbara Jońca M.Eng. are the authors of the project. 21 April Construction of the chapel, supervised by Mr. Richard Włosik, starts. 13 September On the occasion of the Year of Priesthood, the Grand Pardon Mass is celebrated by jubilee priests, who were of the parish origin. 4 October The first Mass in the walls of the emerging chapel in the housing estate of Złocień is celebrated by Prelate Tadeusz Dziedzic with assistance of Rev. Bogdan Markiewicz and Rev. Grzegorz Łopatka, the former being the parish-priest and the latter – the organizer of ministry in the Złocień quarter. 17 OCTOBER HIS EMINENCE ARCHBISHOP OF CRACOW, 2010 April The clapper of the bell “Stanisław “ got broken – casting and installation of a new clapper. May–July Six-fold flooding in Bieżanów – the Serafa river inundated many houses; the Serafa Valley Society comes into being and organizes help for sufferers 17 October The first anniversary of the Bieżanów church consecration celebrated jointly with the golden jubilee of priest ordination of Prelate Antoni Sołtysik, who blesses the plaque outside the church. November Installation of 2 new stained widows in the chapel of Divine Mercy 2011 1 MAY BEATIFICATION OF POPE JOHN PAUL II 4 December The solemn consecration of the chapel in the housing estate of Złocień. 8 December Rev. Jan Wais, who was our parish-priest in 1990–1992, passes away; he is buried in Rabka 2012 11 May Inauguration of the 800th anniversary of Bieżanów celebrations. The solemn Mass in the church and announcement of the decree of 11 May 2012. 7 June Feast of Corpus Christi – The Holy Mass at the historic monument on the hill of Kaim. 15 August The decree of Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz gives rise to a new parish in the housing estate of Złocień; the new parish, under the invocation of Blessed Priest Jerzy Popiełuszko, descends directly from our parish. Rev. Grzegorz Lopatka Ph.D. has been appointed the first parish-priest there. 9 September Pardon feast – the Holy Mass celebrated by Rev. Jacek Urban, Theol. Prof., Canon of the Wawel Cathedral. On behalf of the Cathedral Chapter he accepts the medal of 800 years of Bieżanów. 11 October Inauguration of the Year of Faith 2013 10–15 March HOLY MISSIONS PRECEDING PEREGRINATION 12–13 April Peregrination of the painting of Divine Mercy together with relics of Saint Faustina and Blessed John Paul II 11 May Closing of the 800th anniversary of Bieżanów celebrations – the solemn Holy Mass in the church joined by setting and blessing the plaque on the new church. 2014 6 January The 1st Three Kings Parade (Epiphany) from the parish of Nowy Bieżanów to our church 27 April CANONIZATION OF POPE JOHN PAUL II 1 June Children’ Day feast held at the parsonage. 17–19 October CANONICAL VISITATION by H.E. BISHOP JAN SZKODOŃ
2015 6 January The 2nd Three Kings Parade (Epiphany) from our church to the parish of Nowy Bieżanów 19 February The 30th anniversary of the hunger strike – the dedicated symposium 1 June The 2nd Children’ Day feast held at the parsonage 8 December Inauguration of the Year of Mercy; Beatification of two Polish Franciscans Michael Tomaszek and Zbigniew Strzałkowski; Beginning of preparation towards the World Youth Days.